Thursday, December 15, 2011

Creating a logit model?

hello, I am trying to construct a logit model to estimate the probability but I'm having trouble in doing so.

I know how to do the right hand side (RHS) for a logit model, but I am having trouble with the left hand side (LHS) of the equation.

am I correct in saying that a logistic function looks like this: Pi = 1/1+e^-(z) where in my case

z= beta + beta1(residence) + beta2(sex) + beta3(education) + u-error term

Is this what the logit model looks:

Pi = E(Y=1|Xi) = 1/1 + e -(z) ... or is it

Li = ln(Pi/1-Pi) = Zi = beta + beta1(residence) + beta2(sex) + beta3(education) + u-error term

in my case, I have binary outcome variable namely, whether a person suffers from heart disease or not... my independent variables are residence (1= rural or 0 =urban), sex (m=1 or f=0), education (primary=1, secondary=2 and highereduc=3).. can someone please show me how to write an actual logit model to predict the probability whether a person will suffer from heart disease.. for the left hand side, what should the exact notation look like? i hope this makes sense.. any help will be greatly appreciated.. thanks

Mike|||hey mike, i dint get you. your dependant variable is heart disease? also, you want to find probability under what conditions? like 'rural,m,secondary' or another combination? or overall probability?also, your model in terms of log is correct ,simply because it eases out estimation process for betas

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