Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why is the memory of a computer storing in Hexadecimal, not Binary?

I was just curious as I started to work on my projects in C++, and started wondering why the memory address and value of my variables were stored in hexadecimal (base 16), and not Binary (base 2).

I just thought it would make more sense if memory was stored in binary since that is how computers "think"

sorry if this question is out of place, but i was just curious

any help is appreciated

thanks in advance.|||It is in fact stored in binary.

It can be viewed however one wants, but the typical representations are Hexadecimal, Octal, and Decimal.

Obviously, if you thought it might be easier, you could even use a base 36 if you wanted. The representations would use 0-9 and/or A-Z in that case.

As an example, here's a quick URL I found using a Google search.

|||It is stored in binary. Hexadecimal is just a way of looking at the data. Most of the time, we don't deal at the bit level, but might deal at the Byte or Word level. At those levels, Hex is a much easeir thing to work with.

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