Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can I still run binary logistic if all my response variables are categorical?

I want do logistic regression analysis of my data but all my independent variables are categorical.|||Yes.

Google on logistic regression with categorical variables to get to鈥?/a>

When I did so the first link was to

PA 765: Logistic Regression鈥?/a>

On that page, under Key Terms and Concepts find


Design variables are nominal or ordinal independents (factors) entered as dummy variables. In SPSS binomial logistic regression, categorical independent variables must be declared by clicking on the "Categorical" button in the Logistic Regression dialog box. SPSS multinomial logistic regression will convert categorical variables to dummies automatically by leaving out the last category, which becomes the reference category. Researchers may prefer to create dummy variables manually so as to control which category is omitted and thus becomes the reference category. For more on the selection of dummy variables, click here.


The "click here" takes you to鈥?/a>

which tells you how to handle your categorical variables.

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