Saturday, December 17, 2011

Any tip/book for writing codes to read/write a specific type of file (for C++)?

I've looked into the code for importing Bitmap into C++, but I kind of not getting the point why they do this and that (such as declare struct bitmapheader-something with several variables, then use readf() to put the binary data into the structed variable). How can they be sure that readf() will read and put correct data from binary file into the multi-variable struct class (and each variable doesnt have the same length)?

What if i want to import a jpeg file? As I remember it has compression too, so how do we detect and decompressed them? What if i want to import other type of file? that doesn't fall in category of image... Can anyone give a tip what i suppose to do first before writing the code (study about the structure? compression?)

Any Books that help me learn about these stuffs? Like how to write these type of program... or maybe tutorial, resource are good too.. Thx in advance|||Rather than trying to do this yourself from the ground up you might be better off using one of the many freely available APIs out there for reading images in different formats. There are open source libraries for this kind of thing, and also freely available commercial stuff like the QuickTime SDK, which works on both Mac OS and Windows.|||EARN MONEY ONLINE WITH ZERO INVESTMENT


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